Friday, July 30, 2010

seek those things ABOVE

God has shown me a lot this Summer. As I have grown more and more in love with Him, it's become so very clear that this world is not my home. My life is not my own. I am created in Christ Jesus for HIS purpose. So many years I sought out the things of this world to satisfy, but in all honestly, NOTHING fills what needs to be filled with Christ. Guys, He is calling us to look and seek the things ABOVE not anything on this earth. He is so much more than anything we could ever need or look for. We are called to seek His righteousness, purity and holiness. Oh, that the LORD would examine our hearts. That His people would quit stalling and searching for the things of this world that might satisfy for two hours. That our hearts would be so knit together with CHRIST that all our desires, all our hopes, all our prayers would surround HIM and nothing/no one else. It's time to wake up out the daydream we've been in. It's time to give up the things that we so desperately thought would fill us up. It's time to fall more passionately in love with Jesus. Our time on this earth is short...and our calling is sure. He has called us to WALK WORTHY of the calling with which we were called, so why aren't we? Oh, that the church would wake up and begin seeking things above, and forgetting about all the materialism on this earth. Jesus is worth it all... all else can fade.

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures one earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, that your heart will be also." - Matthew 6:19-20

"But seek FIRST the kingdom of God and all HIS righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." - Matthew 6:33

"Seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God." - Colossians 3:1

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

walking in holiness

Words of thankfulness, gratitude, and praise do not even begin to cover the love and appreciation I have for my Jesus. This Summer (and as always) He has shown me so many things I've needed to see. Some hard, some beautiful... it's been a growing process that I am ever so thankful for. I continually desire that He would work in my heart daily to do the work He needs to, in order for me to grow into a woman of the word, prayer and to grow more like Christ every day. He is precious, and able :)

There are two verses the LORD has shown me this Summer that have truly taught me a lot, and continue to. As I look into the future with whatever God has for me, I'm excited, nervous, fearful, and curious as to where or what He wants of me. It's hard in this world to maintain happy and carefree when it comes to the things we are facing daily. This world is fleeting away, and it's getting worse by the day. Yet we have our hope and confidence in JESUS that no one and nothing else can fill. The LORD has shown me 1 Timothy 6:6 where it says, "Godliness with contentment is great gain." Something so simple, yet hard to live by. Being content in ALL things, with Godliness. When we are hand in hand with Christ, loving Him, serving Him, seeking after Him, we need to be content in just that...Him. It's hard as this world throws things at us that temporarily satisfy yet it's a vicious cycle because we are always wanting more and more of something else. Why is that? God knows our frame, He remembers that we are dust, yet our hearts and minds shouldn't desire anything other than HIM most of all. Our eyes should daily be looking upward instead of here to see what else we can fill the void with. It's something He's been teaching me all Summer, and I've been blessed beyond reason. My prayer is that I would continually see and learn more of this from Him as I embark on my senior year of college.

One other verse that the LORD has graciously burdened on my heart is 1 Peter 2:9. It says, "We are a CHOSEN GENERATION, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light." Guys, listen up. WHY are we sitting around and fitting in?!?! This world IS NOT OUR HOME. We are called to be sore thumbs, to stick out, to be unusual. There is NO such thing (or should there be) as a NORMAL Christian. We are called to be RADICAL for Jesus!!!!! No more sitting around, being lazy, complacent and alright with the norms of this world. We are not supposed to be partakers of darkness but rather EXPOSE IT because we need to be lights in Christ and for Christ! My heart is so heavy and burdened about this generation and the lack of care for what's TRUE and JUST. We are called to walk in holiness and purity and that goes way beyond what you might think. It's everything! It's spiritually, in our minds, in our hearts, with our bodies, our spirits... it's everything we are! We are of GOD and we need to begin acting like it. Jesus was given as the most precious sacrifice on the Cross for OUR mistakes, our screw ups, our failures.... and He wanted to pay that price for us so that we can have eternal life. Man, there's no greater love than that.

It's time for Christ's church (and our generation) to stand radical and strong for Jesus. No more sitting around and fitting in. 1 Peter 2:9 could not state it more clearly. God has CHOSEN US as His special people. We need to start acting like it.

We are God's, and He is ours. Shine as lights in this dark and passing world. This is not our home, we are created for the eternal.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

my son, give me your heart.

You ever spend time with the Lord, and you're so convicted that you can hardly breathe? One of those moments when all you can do is sit, face down, tears in eyes, flustered, breathless, speechless at the One who created the universe? I had one of those moments tonight. Though it was a chastening of some sort, it was a huge blessing because I know that the work the Lord continues to do in and through me is working for His eternal glory... what could be more exciting than that?

We all know when our hearts aren't right or proper in the sight of God. Maybe it's because of something we choose to put before Him, or maybe it's something as simple as the flesh getting in the way of what we know is true & pure. Either way, we know it needs to be worked out by Him and it's in those times of desperation (at least for me..) that He comes to my rescue. Rescue doesn't always mean happiness and joy. It sometimes means chastening, conviction, sadness. It's a place I come to often where God has to remind me that He is what matters in this life most. Not material things, things of worth, or gifts on Earth... but Him. By Himself..just Christ. It's a place that I've seen too many times in desperation, loneliness, heartache and confusion... yet even though they aren't always times of joy... they eventually yield the fruit of joy and gladness. Why? Because God is SO GOOD and His faithfulness is over all His works. I am a CHILD of HIS.

It's in times like these where all I can do is offer up my hopes, dreams, desires and needs to the One who intricately places such things in my heart. It's a place where when I feel suffocated, I can bring them to Him as a sacrifice in prayer, hoping that He will do what He wills with them. I've come to this place many times, and coming to understand that if the things I feel or "need" do not blend with God's plans, then I don't want them anymore...I refuse to want them anymore.

God knows WHAT'S BEST and I need to remember that. He is faithful! As I read my Daily Light tonight, the Lord reached out to me in such a unique way, that all I can do is be face down at His feet... adoring Him for all that He is. Words don't suffice, feelings don't muster up, and nothing I think, say, do, or feel can be equivalent to the thankfulness, and love I feel towards Him.

He is so good. My prayer is that this would minister to you, maybe strike a few areas in your heart, and cause you to fall more passionately in love with our Beautiful, Precious Savior. He is worth all of our attention, all of our praise, and He is worthy of all that we are. After all, He took OUR sins, paid the ultimate price SELFLESSLY on the cross at Cavalry. You think it's strange that I surrender all that I am to the One who sacrificially gave all that He had for me? Think again.

"My son, give me your heart. Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever! Your heart is not right in the sight of God (wow..). Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. They . . . first gave themselves to the LORD. In every work that Hezekiah began . . . to seek his God, he did with all his heart. So he prospered. Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Whatever you do, do it heartily to the LORD. As bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, with goodwill doing service, as to the LORD, and not to men. I will run the course of Your commandments, for You shall enlarge my heart."
(Proverbs 23:26, Deut. 5:29, Acts 8:21, Rom 8:7-8, 2 Cor 8:5, 1 Chron 31:21, Prov 4:23, Col 3:23, Eph 6:6-7, Ps 119:32)

Friday, July 9, 2010


Words can't express the gratitude and thankfulness I feel for this Summer. God has surely blessed me. I traveled to Arizona last week to visit my wonderful brother, and every time I leave the West Coast it's harder to come back home. When I was 11 I traveled to California to visit family and I remember saying was the hardest goodbye I had ever faced. I knew then, that someday I would be a West Coast girl. God has planted that seed in my heart, and with it my prayer is that He would show me where/what He wants me to do with it.

Few things I'm pondering lately. One is that regardless of circumstance or option..GOD remains in control. No one can change Him, and nothing can hinder His promises... all remains and continue to be in action according to HIS will. That means the things we want, may not be His will. We can't change His mind, heart, or situation. HE is on the throne. Think about that. How encouraging :) Another thing the Lord has reminded me of lately is serving. I have a heart to serve, a heart for people, and a burden for my generation...yet the flesh is lazy, fearful, too quiet. My prayer is that the Lord would break this shell of mine so I can be BOLD and courageous for Him. There is an entire world of lost souls... how heartbreaking to me it is that Christ isn't even an option for them. My prayer would be that He would place specific people in my life to be an encouragement to...and He already has. So blessed. 1 Peter 2:9 continues to come into mind, "You are a CHOSEN generation, a holy priesthood, a special people.." we are CHOSEN to bring the good news to those around us. Don't be complacent, comfortable, or lazy. Wake up.

The way Christ pursued and continues to pursue me is incredible. I can't fathom it. How precious is He. My prayer is that my heart would be undivided for Him, and that He would be my portion.

Same for you :)

Psalm 86:11