Guys, as I continue steadfast in the Lord and walking beside Him, I am humbled, amazed, and blessed at all He has done for me. You're probably sick of hearing this I know, but as I continue to bask in His presence He shows me something new to learn from every day. It's such an awesome thing to experience.
There's a lot going on right now in regards to my future and what the Lord is calling me to do, and as I continuously pray about it and become worried with the thought of what will be, where He'll take me, and what I'll have to go through to get there... one thing remained. As I spent the past few days pondering my future and praying about where God wanted me to go next, I couldn't help but to feel anxiety, stress and pressure because it's never a fun thing to NOT know where you're made to go, or where the Lord is wanting you to go. Walking home from class it dawned on me... my life is made for a purpose. God calls His children to walk WORTHY of the calling with which He has called us... we're not on this Earth for a normal life, guys. We're here to serve, love, and show people Christ in every aspect and area of our lives. That is our purpose.
While contemplating what to do next, my heart cried out to the Lord. Chatting with Him made me realize..my life is made for walking with purpose. That purpose is Christ. I want every part of me to be walking worthy of the calling with which He's called me. Regardless of where that takes me, what people say behind my back, and how I'm treated... I'm here for one purpose and one purpose only... Christ. With that said, I am to walk worthy of that calling which He's called me to. My life was created for Him. In every area of my life, the uncertainties, the broken pieces, the confused times, the path that I'm walking, in the love I have for Him... it's all for a purpose and I want it ALL for Christ. It's not about me.... this relationship with the Lord has showed me that all decisions great and small need to be consulted along with Him. I can't walk two feet on my own without Him guiding me. He has all the pieces of my life already figured out so why do I worry? The Lord knows the way in which I should walk... and walking hand in hand with Him has been the most beautiful, and scary experience of my life... but I think that scared feeling comes from surrendering everything I have unto Him. It is scary! But we have HOPE that the Lord will hold us even when we fall... He will uphold us with His hand, we can be sure of that.
He has a FUTURE and a HOPE for His people (Jeremiah 29:11). It's such a blessing to be walking in the light of the King. It isn't always easy and sometimes it means that what is right might not always be popular but so what? What can man do to us? God is on our side... He is all we need to be putting our trust in.
Walk WORTHY of the calling with which you guys were called (Ephesians 4:1). As Christians, we are not on this earth to fulfill the norms and experiences of this world. We're here for the sole purpose of Christ. To bring people to Christ, to walk hand in hand with Him every step of the way, no matter where we are, and to love Him and others with the same love He loved us with.
That is our purpose. My prayer is that you are encouraged in Him... and praying about what the Lord wants you to be doing as you're walking closely with Him.
Sometimes, it's the best and most secure place to be.. when not knowing what to do, where to walk, or what the future holds because Christ has it all in the palms of His hands.
Trust in Him.
"Walk worthy of the calling with which you were called...." Ephesians 4:1