Tuesday, February 9, 2010

new opportunity.

Sometimes when we are struggling with one area in our lives, we fail to see what God wants to do aside from that. It's hard when you're discouraged and feel defeated because you only focus on those two emotions... but God continually sees what you're going through. He already knew you would go through it before you got to that place in your life. He has a plan for you... and maybe He's allowing you to go through this difficult time to teach you to trust in Him, or to teach you patience, or to allow you to draw closer to Him. I know right now I'm going through one of those hard times with school. I feel as though I've been abandoned, and I feel hopelessly discouraged... but I KNOW God has a plan for me... He is going to get me through it... I just need to continue to trust in Him.

He hasn't brought you to the place you're in now for nothing. I'm continually reminded of Joshua 1:9 where it says, "Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

Such comforting words. As I have struggled with school lately, God continually pours His love upon my life regardless of the difficulties I'm facing. He has opened a new door for me... one that I had desired for so long but didn't know how or when or even IF I would be able to do it. Last night at church two women came to speak from a crisis pregnancy center down here at school. My hearts desire has been for youth, but more so for young women who might struggle with impure relationships, teen pregnancy, or abortion. My heart breaks for those young girls and I desire to be able to reach out to them with the love of Christ. God opened a door for me to be able to go and volunteer weekly at this pregnancy center, and because I am over 20, I am able to work with clients which is such a blessing. I'm so super excited!

Through this situation, God has reassured me that He does have a beautiful plan for my life, far beyond what I can see. Through the difficulties and struggles I'm facing, He has continued to bless me in other areas of my life... and if He can open a door for this ministry He's called me to, then He can do ANYTHING :) But that's obviously true... what is impossible with man is possible with God.


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