As I was home this past weekend, I decided to bring back to school with me some devotionals. My time spent everyday with the Lord has truly grown and flourished.. but I haven't done a specific study or book to go along with my readings. For quite a long time I was content with that... but my heart desired a study so I took to school "Reflecting God" written by Kay Smith. Those of you who don't know who Kay Smith is.... oh man, get to know her! Her and her husband Chuck have been founders of the Calvary Chapel movement for YEARS. Their service, dedication, and love for the Lord is so immense and incredible, whenever you see them face to face it's like walking near the Lord! (Kind of hehe) They are so on fire for God it is the most encouraging thing to see. Last year of October I got to spend a week in California with my mom at the Pastor's Wives Conference out in Murrieta. Chuck and his wife Kay were out there and Kay actually spoke at the conference. Talk about a huge BLESSING. It was incredible.
Her Bible study "Reflecting God" has been exactly what I need in this season of my life. As I have grown more in love with the Lord, He has shown me things I need to revise and re-edit in my life. Things that I thought were once just, "ok" can't be ok in the Christian walk. Simple things...certain music, movies and television. God has really used Kay's study to help me in my walk with the Lord. It talks about holiness and how we are to DESIRE to be more like the Lord.. and when we desire that, we won't WANT the things of this world anymore.
Plain and simple...this is the gist of it: This world is so lost, so hungry for SOMETHING, anything... that instead of filling the void with the Lord because we've become so intolerant of Christianity, people fill it with other things instead. Drugs, alcohol, sex, and the list goes on and on. I'm also talking about ME!!! I used to be involved in worldly things at a time too... but God truly revealed Himself to me and I began to see that wasn't the life God intended or wanted for me. He desired me...my love, and all my life. How sweet it is to be in the hands of God. It's sad to see this world and all its sin. It's also sad because it is anyone's fault either. Satan knows just what to do to make people stumble, fall, and walk away or never want God. Satan is the ruler of this world, but in the end, God will be the One to judge it. As believers, we need to be a LIGHT to this world, even though it's extremely difficult, and even though people may hate you for it... God calls us to be light in the darkness.
"Reflecting God" is an incredible Bible study for women who strive to be more for Christ... and to live pure and holy lives. As women, we need to LIVE for purity. And I mean, LIVE IT! It's so hard in our society because we're thrown with things such as clothing, and ads on billboards and TV... we try to compare and match ourselves to people or models.. but how does God truly feel about us? It's hard because we want the approval of others... and most of the time, we know God loves us just as we are... but it isn't enough. Make it be enough! It IS enough... this world is passing away, but the Lord stands forever. He has created you JUST the way you are... He thinks you're outstandingly beautiful! He also wants you to see yourself in the way He sees you.
I struggle with... daily, hourly, and even by the minute. I look in the mirror and cringe at what I see half the time. Sometimes, I don't even stop to think "Hold up.. who cares what I think? Who cares what people around me think? God thinks I'm beautiful...HE created me..." It is so difficult because we've been brainwashed to think we have to own up to a certain style, weight, and look. This isn't so..at all! It's sad to think of what today's generation of young girls are dealing with... it was bad when I was in Junior High... I can't imagine what it is like now!!!
This study has truly allowed the Lord to work in my heart, to reevaluate it, and to examine and tune it up. My heart is daily needing to be before the Lord, and I totally need Him to renew me!! God is so cool to give us the words we need, WHEN we need it :) It's amazing.
Looking around me in this day in age is sad... but people need the Lord. We can't go around blaming one person or a group of people. It's satan who's got people brainwashed to think the way the world thinks. But as Jeremy Camp says: "There will be a day, with no more tears, no more pain and no more fears, there will be a day when the burden of this place will be no more...we'll see Jesus face to face but until that day we'll hold on to You always."
"But you have not so learned Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness." - Ephesians 4:20-24
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