Words can't express the gratitude and thankfulness I feel for this Summer. God has surely blessed me. I traveled to Arizona last week to visit my wonderful brother, and every time I leave the West Coast it's harder to come back home. When I was 11 I traveled to California to visit family and I remember saying goodbye...it was the hardest goodbye I had ever faced. I knew then, that someday I would be a West Coast girl. God has planted that seed in my heart, and with it my prayer is that He would show me where/what He wants me to do with it.
Few things I'm pondering lately. One is that regardless of circumstance or option..GOD remains in control. No one can change Him, and nothing can hinder His promises... all remains and continue to be in action according to HIS will. That means the things we want, may not be His will. We can't change His mind, heart, or situation. HE is on the throne. Think about that. How encouraging :) Another thing the Lord has reminded me of lately is serving. I have a heart to serve, a heart for people, and a burden for my generation...yet the flesh is lazy, fearful, too quiet. My prayer is that the Lord would break this shell of mine so I can be BOLD and courageous for Him. There is an entire world of lost souls... how heartbreaking to me it is that Christ isn't even an option for them. My prayer would be that He would place specific people in my life to be an encouragement to...and He already has. So blessed. 1 Peter 2:9 continues to come into mind, "You are a CHOSEN generation, a holy priesthood, a special people.." we are CHOSEN to bring the good news to those around us. Don't be complacent, comfortable, or lazy. Wake up.
The way Christ pursued and continues to pursue me is incredible. I can't fathom it. How precious is He. My prayer is that my heart would be undivided for Him, and that He would be my portion.
Same for you :)
Psalm 86:11
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