Tuesday, November 23, 2010


This past weekend I celebrated my 22nd birthday! It's crazy to think that I'm already past the age of 20. I remember my 19th birthday, my 20th birthday, AND my 21st birthday. They all seemed like they were only recently. It's crazy how time flies! As I look upon my age and the standards of what you're supposed to be at this age, it's insane! I know a lot of my friends are only 22 and they're married. CRAZY! Some of my friends are 22 and they've graduated college already. Again...nuts! I am so oober blessed at what the Lord has done for me these past few years. I remember where I was at 20, and let me tell you... I am SO THANKFUL I'm not there right now.

I remember thinking then, 'I will never overcome this, I will never get over this'. Many trials and struggles were happening and I didn't think that they'd ever go away. Now, two years later, I can't even believe all that the Lord has done for me. It's like, is this real? Sometimes I just want to pinch myself :) It's such an incredible feeling.

Through all the fears, worries, struggles, tribulations, heartaches....He's been victorious in and through me. Nothing that I've done has been of myself. Everything that has happened has been because the Lord has been so gracious and merciful to redeem me.

As I woke on my birthday, I couldn't help but thank Him for so much. I prayed that He would make this birthday a particularly special one. As I was spending time with Him, I couldn't help but think that there was an even deeper meaning to the celebration going on. Yes, the Lord has chosen to give me physical life. For that, I am grateful :) Yet, He has given me something so much more precious, so much more special, that if I didn't have it, this whole life would be meaningless, it would be pointless. He has chosen to give me ETERNAL life. Something that is far more exciting to celebrate!!! Because of my sin, and my ugliness, Jesus chose to go to the cross and die in my place. He has given me eternity. He has prepared and is preparing a place in heaven for ME. How stinkin' incredible.

I couldn't help but to think that my God was the best. :) It's so true. Yes, I am so thankful that He has given me life, yet I am even more thankful that He has given me eternity. He has chosen to die in my place on Calvary and He has taken my sins, the ones I committed, do commit, and will commit...and nailed them to the cross. It's something that I sometimes can't even fathom.

That's something to celebrate! I am so blessed by Him. Each new day proves to me that there is nothing greater in this life than His love, His grace, and His forgiveness. He has chosen to give me LIFE. Eternal life.

As I was praying I also couldn't help but to thank God for my parents. They chose to have me! I began to pray for all the moms on that day that were contemplating abortion. Oh, what sweet precious babies inside of them. My prayer is that every mom contemplating abortion would chose LIFE.

God surely blessed my birthday. Friends, family and good food :) I wasn't feeling all that great, but He still chose to bless me!

There is truly nothing and no one greater, than the King who holds my heart, life, dreams, and future. What joy...what love..what promise. The promise of eternity, and the promise of the One who is worth living for.

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