Over the Summer I had the most remarkable dream of my life. It will never leave me, and it really was a turning point in my life. Ever since that dream I have had higher standards for relationships, men, and dating rules. Purity, morals, and beliefs were the three key important factors when it came for me to be patiently waiting for my husband. God used this dream in my life to remind me NOT to settle for anyone less than God's best for me. He also showed me that there was hope. He wasn't going to leave me dry and hopeless towards my future, but that trusting in Him would one day bring the ultimate blessing. If you're going through a situation where you are unsure what God's will is for you and your relationship, I pray that this ministers to your heart and encourages you. May you be blessed in Christ, and give Him ALL the pieces of your heart, the broken, the empty and the fulfilled. He will so bless you in the end :)
It was the most beautiful and perfect day... my wedding day. Everything was gorgeous. My dress was long, satin, and pierced white.. the whitest white I've ever seen in my entire life. The theme was pink and all my bridesmaids were ready to go in their pink dresses. The day was gorgeous and I was about 10 minutes away from being walked down the aisle by my daddy. Everything seemed perfect except one thing: the man I was marrying.
I knew in my heart and my mind that I was just settling if I were to marry this man. And even though the entire day was beautiful and everything was in place, I was miserable. My heart was out of place and my mind was anxiety stricken and worried. Clearly NOT something you want to feel on your wedding day! I remember the way he treated me, the way he acted, and the way I put up with a lot of things. I also remember little things that reminded me of how the relationship WOULDN'T work out. Thoughts raced through my mind that my parents had once told me... "If you marry this man, you'll be miserable the rest of your life." And that was the honest truth. I knew I would be miserable and I was walking down the aisle in 10 minutes KNOWING this!
I remember talking to him and telling him, "This is the day we are one. I love you more than anything in this world... and I would do ANYTHING for you..." he looked at me in the face... smiling.. but not saying anything back.. a clear sign that I cared for him more than he cared for me. Even though I knew this was a horrible mistake, I wasn't about to bail out on my wedding day. All that could race through my mind was the thought that he WASN'T the one I should be marrying. Yet, I didn't care... I was getting married. I had a beautiful white dress, gorgeous flowers, family and friends, and a beautiful day outside. I had 'My Day' to shine like a princess. Only... I wasn't happy. I was miserable.
It was time... and as my dad took me arm in arm, we started walking down the aisle. As the church doors opened fear, anxiety and knowing that I was making the biggest mistake.. crossed my mind. I was terrified.
As the doors opened, I woke up... thanking God that it was all a dream.
Who this person was I was to marry doesn't matter. All that matters is that, all my life, I have been told "Don't settle for anything LESS than God's best for you." Yet in the back of my mind I always knew, that I was. This type of mentality had always been the case with me. I was always settling for less than God's best for me. This dream was a huge wack in the face from God (In a GOOD way!) as He was reassuring me that if I were to marry him..I would be miserable, and I would be making the biggest mistake of my life. Sobering... but beautiful. I woke up thanking God it wasn't real and thanking Him for showing me that He has something incredible planned out for me.
It reassured me NOT to settle. Not to just go for anyone. It was the biggest blessing... probably the one dream in my ENTIRE life I will remember for the rest of my life.
Don't ever settle for LESS than God's best for your life. He has someone for you.... make sure He's in your relationship.. guiding it! And if you've waited your entire life... continue to be patient because God is going to bless you more than you could ever imagine He would.
Everything in that dream made sense to me, and in some way, everything clicked and connected to specific instances in my life.. it was absolutely beautiful. And if and when.. on that day.. I hope to be walking down the aisle with happiness.. joy... peace... and hopefully some tears as well :) Oh, and I hope to be wearing the same dress in my dream too! hehe :)
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