As I walked into church this morning, I never thought I would have such a change of heart as I did. Dealing with the stress of my schooling and grades had almost consumed me to the point where I was so anxiety stricken, it had to be the enemy. God never wants His people to feel that way.... Jeremiah 29:11 says that He KNOWS the thoughts He thinks towards you...thought of PEACE and not of evil... and it saddens His heart what His children are sad. Today my dad spoke on Ephesians 5. Putting on the whole armor of God to withstand the wiles of the devil and it's true. We need to block out Satan's thoughts with Gods word. It's the only way to survive in this world!
At the end of the service my best friend's dad came up to the podium and presented the most wonderful woman to our congregation. In April of 2004, her son Phil, went off to Iraq and put himself on the front lines for our country. He was killed and never to return. 9/11 was the turning point in Phil's life to make a commitment to his country and the people living in it, that he would defend, and keep our nation safe. His courage, bravery and generosity caused him his life, but helped save ours. As his mother was graciously speaking to our congregation I couldn't help but want to weep. She explained how the loss of Phil left her and her husband paralyzed to the point where she almost couldn't breathe. How sad is that? As I looked at her I couldn't help but to feel my heart sink into my stomach. As I go along every Christmas the thought of all our soldiers in Iraq come to my mind. It's awful. Some families won't be able to see their mothers, fathers, brothers or sisters this Christmas. Others are struggling with the death of their relatives because of the war. Either way, these men and women are on the front lines defending their country and trying to maintain freedom for all of us. Something so scary, yet they have all the courage and strength to do so. Phil's mom kept talking about how he is in heaven now, rejoicing with Jesus and that is the ONLY blessing her and her husband face. They know one day they will be reunited with their son face to face in eternity. How reassuring is THAT! Phil's mom is the walking, living, breathing testimony of a woman so in love with the Lord, that He has carried her through this experience. It doesn't mean she will ever be healed.... but it means that Jesus has a plan for her and her husband, and that He was ready to take Phil home to be with Him sooner than they wanted. As they trust in God, they find their strength, courage, and love only through their Savior. It was the most encouraging thing I had ever head in my entire life.
As I look back on my stresses and worries about my grades... I can't help but to think, wow.. really? I'm THAT worried about grades when mothers like Phil's are struggling with death? Struggling to keep their strength and composure? There are WAY MORE important things going on around the world to worry about and I think sometimes we take our many blessings for granted. This morning reminded me that, regardless of what my grades say, it is OK, because there are people facing a lot bigger and harder challenges in life. I am BLESSED and so are they. But at the end of it all, I'm in Jesus's arms.... He's carrying me through it all. He's got it under control!
This Christmas I want to honor all the men and women fighting oversees... and pray continually for my two best friends who are training to be shipped off to Iraq someday. My heart hurts for them because the day they leave I'm going to cry... but their courage, love, and service to our country is astounding. I love them so much for it. May God's children keep in prayer the many men and women who are oversees fighting this war.... pray for their safety, their families, and their souls.. that they may rely on the King!!
You are SO dear to my heart, sweet "Ann"!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are such a young woman of integrity, and sweet sincerity...and for these character traits,(on top of SO many more...!)..I will always love you, and hold your friendship close to my heart!!!
You spoke amazing words in today's blog...I only wish I had been there @ church this a.m., to hear the same things you did!!! (But you did a wonderful job relaying it all!!!!)
Thanks again, for your heartfelt words, Angela!!
(You speak like a completely "grown-up" young woman...my dear...) And one who is uniting her heart with Christ--and I am SO proud of you, "little sis"!!!!!!!
Love you dearly!! Send my love to your parents!!!(& thank them for raising you the way they did!! You are awesome!!) =)