One of the biggest excitements in walking hand in hand with Jesus is the fact that you never truly know where He is going to take you and do in your life. You never have a full proof PLAN because once you do, He changes it in an instant. It's the best joy when walking with Christ...just knowing that your life is in HIS hands, steering the wheel to your life.
He has surely shown me an immense amount of new things these past few years and the passion and burning on my heart has been placed by HIM to fulfill HIS purpose, not my own. What a blessing it is.
There is no safer place to be, than in the center of God's will for your life. What you end up doing may not be popular. People may not approve of your actions or choices, and they will end up bashing you for walking with Jesus. Yet, in all that, you will be rewarded someday in heaven far greater than anything else.
Do you have it all figured out? I know I don't :) And that's just where I want to be.
"...for My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are My ways your ways, says the LORD, for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My thoughts than your thoughts, and My ways than your ways..." Isaiah 55:8-9
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