Simplicity. Where has it gone? In this world full of chaos, distractions, and cheap fulfillment it's as if simplicity is no longer found in the English language. Lately, the LORD has drawn me to a place of simplicity. Just JESUS. No one else. Nothing else. No where else. Just JESUS.
I've learned that we're not in this world for the good grades, for the popularity, the promotion, the success, the fame, the technology, and all the other random distractions we can find. We're here for one purpose and one purpose only. Jesus. Oh... that we would stop being BUSY all the time... that we would just sit at the feet of our King and praise Him, adore Him, love Him, listen carefully and heed His word... that He would be our ONLY desire, love, and fulfillment. Just JESUS. Again, it all goes back to simplicity. It's not found in this world because the world has tainted views on what is good and popular and pleasurable. Where did the simplicity go?
Last night I found myself crying out to the LORD in pure sacrifice unto Him. Asking Him to take all that I have... my desires, my dreams, my possessions, my income, everything and anything that I don't necessarily need... and to ONLY fill me and give me Him. "You can have all this world..just give me JESUS." So so so true.
This world is NOT my home, this life is not my own. I am created and commanded to love my LORD Jesus and to serve and glorify Him through everything I say and do. My heart desires to walk in purity, righteousness and holiness. Only through JESUS can those be found.
It saddens me to see this world so lost and busy in their schedules, begging for more money, longing for more cheap fulfillment, continuing to live in such a way that only satisfied for twelve hours and then finds them on their face crying out for something, anything.. yet not knowing Jesus. He's there. He loves you... do you know? He loves you. SO MUCH. Love Him. He's drawing you and pursuing you. I know it.
Simplicity. Oh, that my life would be for Christ and Christ alone. That my heart would yearn for NOTHING aside from Jesus, and that I would continually and daily seek those things which are ABOVE, at the right hand of God (Colossians 3:1). Jesus is everything... where else can you find perfection? Seek simplicity.. just JESUS.
"Why do you spend your money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance." - Isaiah 55:2
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