As the weather gets nicer I seem to become more blessed by my surroundings... people, creation, and the heat! Today I was walking to class and noticed a man, standing up preaching the gospel on the quad. It blessed my heart so immensely I couldn't help but go up to him and thank him. I hope he was encouraged! There's a difference between being BOLD for Christ and being offensive. I believe the approach he was using was his love, boldness, and confidence in Christ. There have been people in the past, however, who are offensive that come and speak on the quad and turn people AWAY from the good news of Christ. I truly believe we need to approach people in LOVE by bringing them the gospel...not in such a way that you have to yell and scream at them to get their attention. That isn't how we should go about it.
This man looked like he was wearing humility, love, kindness, and TRUTH. It made me realize -- where have all the bold Christians gone? I'm at fault too. Sometimes I get a teeny bit ashamed for carrying my Bible or wearing a Christian t-shirt or showing off my purity ring...why?? Why should I be embarrassed? Other people aren't embarrassed for doing what they do. Why should I? I have HOPE and CONFIDENCE in Christ... HE has saved me and done wonderful things in my life, so why should I hide it? My heart's desire is to be more bold. I feel like today's Christians are blending in with their surroundings too much. We are meant to stand out! I just LOVE 1 Peter 2:9 where it says: "You are a CHOSEN generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."
That verse has become my life verse lately...I have been CHOSEN out of my generation to be a LIGHT. Am I fulfilling the calling God has placed on my life? Sometimes I think I could do much better.
I pray that the boldness that that man showed today... God would continually change my heart and give me boldness to do the work He's called me to do, that I wouldn't fit in with my surrounds, or become like the world, but be set apart for His purpose, and His purpose only.
I desire to be bold for Christ.
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