As I sat down and did my devotionals a few days ago, the Lord gave me a verse that truly convicted me.
Romans 8:24-25 says, "For we were saved in this hope, but hope for what we see is not hope; for why does one hope for what he sees? For if we hope for what we do not see we eagerly wait for it with perseverance."
That truly hit me hard. As I sat there it was like the Lord was telling me, "Why are you hoping and wishing for the things of this world? Hope and be expectant for ME, not anyone or anything else." And its so true... lately I've been desiring things other than Christ. I'm not saying that having a desire to do well in school, make new friends, or go on vacation are bad things... but if we desire things that constantly fog our minds and take the place of desiring CHRIST the most...then it becomes an issue. That was my problem. I was so worried and hopeful for things of this world, whether it be problems to get resolved, things for the future or whatever else...God was reminding me that He was way more important and beautiful than those things and to TRUST in Him.
Such an encouragement :) I truly believe He gave me that verse to show me what's truly important and that's Him. It has become one of my life verses to live by.
Sometimes it's hard in this world to be satisfied. Why are humans so needy, greedy and selfish? It's because sin entered the world and caused us to be that way. Whenever we have something we feel like we don't have enough so we want more, then when we get more we're still not satisfied so we want more. Then we get more than that and we're STILL not satisfied. It's like this vicious cycle of selfishness.
That's what our society and generation have become. Needy and desiring of things of the WORLD, but how can that possibly satisfy? No greater joy have I found, than in Christ alone. HE is my joy, strength, comfort, and source...of everything!!!
My prayer is that I would fall more passionately in love with Him day after day, and that I would be expectant and desiring of HIM and Him alone while I'm on this earth.
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