Me & Phil the first day of move in!
Me & my beautiful roomie Megan at the Valentines Day Dance :)
Abraham and I at the campus house :)
Carli & I at the Girls Retreat!
Kellie, Shiann & I in Clinton, IL.
Me & Shiann at the Encounter cookout.
Cody from CL'N :)
As I look back at this past year, I can't believe all the Lord has done in and through me, and for me! His faithfulness and provision has been so clearly evident in my life, and I am overwhelmed with blessings by Him. It's hard to believe that this school year is over.... again! Wasn't I just a freshman? Didn't I just graduate high school? Now, I move on towards my LAST year of college.... CRAZY! But as I look back from community college and now onto the university... I could have never in a million years made it through without the strength of Christ. Phillipians says that I can do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens me. So true! College isn't easy... and the stress levels only rise... but God is so good to get me through according to His will.
I never would have realized the blessings and joy the Lord has brought into my life by placing me at Encounter Campus Ministry this year. What a tremendous blessing its been. I've met people who have encouraged me in my walk, challenged me in my walk, and prayed for me as I walk hand in hand with Christ. These people encouraged me to never give up and to continue trusting in His goodness... without them, or this ministry...where would I be? Scary to think about. It's so crazy to think that just a year ago the Lord truly shook me and got hold of me. And through this year He's continuously blessed me beyond measure with people, prayer, ministry, closed doors and opened doors. The things He has taught me this year have been the hugest blessing upon my life. He's given me a passion for Him, His word, ministry, and for people.
Without the people the Lord has placed in my life this year, I'm not quite sure where I would be today.
So blessed and so encouraged by each and every one of them :)
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