Lately, my heart has been pondering all the blessings God has given me throughout the years. I even think back a few years ago when I wasn't entirely walking with Him, and how He continually preserved me for what He had for me.... my mind thinks, 'wow, Lord, how stupid was I?' yet I'm sure as He knew I was thinking that He was like, "I knew that would happen even before you were created.... I have a plan for you... never once was I going to let you go and say oh well." It amazes me at how much He loves me... it's infallible. The other day I came across Jeremy Camp's live version of "Give Me Jesus". Such a beautiful worship song reminding me that through the business and craziness of this world... I just want one thing and one thing only: Jesus. Take everything else... just give me Jesus. It brought me to tears the other day as I thought about the words of that song. When so many times I desire things that aren't bad, but things that take the place of Him, or just aren't Him in general. It sparked a flame in my heart to truly desire the King.. and to bask in all His goodness and love. There is nothing greater.
As I sat and spent time with Him today, I decided to write a long list of things that I am thankful for, or have been thankful for in the past. Though I've faced trials and tribulations, I am blessed beyond measure by them...because I know God has used them in my life for His purpose and will. Each and every circumstance He has allowed, has been a part of the plan He has for me. It's such a beautiful thing. As I wrote my list, I prayed over it asking that the Lord would take it as a sweet offering.
Who says we only need to give thanks when Thanksgiving holidays come around? Our sweet and precious Savior desires our thanksgiving ALWAYS, every single day, and probably way more than we give Him. I'm convicted of this. His love and sacrifice on the cross is more than enough for me, and because of that..I give Him praise and adoration. I'm amazed at how He loves me, and how much He loves all of us...even those of us who may not even care or love Him. He desires you.
"Give Me Jesus" has become the song on my heart lately and it's so true. Regardless of all the hectic business of this life..... I pray that He would just take it...and just give me Jesus.
"It is good to give thanks to the LORD, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, and Your faithfulness every night..." Psalm 92:1-2
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