As I was reading my devotional this morning, the topic really hit home for me. Sometimes, we pray and ask the Lord to do His will in our lives, and to answer prayer...but is the answer we're looking for based upon what WE WANT? Or upon what God's will is for our lives? It's tricky, because I know part of our flesh wants what we want all the time....yet we do want what God has for us... HIS best, in every area of our lives! The topic of my devotional was on prayer.... and it states:
"God not only listens carefully to every prayer, he also answers each one. God may answer yes, no, or wait, just as loving parents might answer the request of their child with one of these three responses. Answering yes to every request would spoil you and endanger your well-being. Answering no to every request would be vindictive, stingy, and hard on your spirit. Answering wait to every request would frustrate you. God always answers your prayers according to what He knows is best for you. When you don't get the answer you want, you will grow in spiritual maturity as you seek to understand why God's answer is in your best interest."
I never thought of answered prayer in such a way. No wonder the Lord doesn't always give us a yes answer. I think back upon the situations in my life and tried putting a "YES" answer on them..... even though God put a clear NO. Man, did He save me from many problems and issues growing up!! If the Lord had said yes to everything I wanted or "needed", I would be in huge trouble! God gives us certain answers to spare us, help us, or bless us. This past year, the main answer to prayer in my life has been "WAIT". I didn't realize or understand why the Lord kept telling me to wait..... I won't lie, I was getting very frustrated and upset thinking of ways to go around it. But the Lord has other plans..... and He is teaching me to be content in WHATEVER I am doing...whether bad, good, or confusing. Throughout the waiting process, He has poured upon His love and mercy.
I now can see why the Lord has told me to wait. I don't know exactly, but I know it's because He is using these situations to further my relationship with Him, and to allow me to TRUST in Him more. It has definitely grown me to fall in love with Him more too, and with those, I would never trade the hard times for anything. He is so good!
As humans, we pray and pray and pray, yet we want the answer we're looking for....but that doesn't work. Does mom and dad always say yes to you when you ask for money, vacations, or clothes? No...but I know you're hoping they do. They give you answers you NEED rather than the answers you want... something we all need to take into account. The Lord loves each and every one of us. His answers are not always yes, they are sometimes no, and often times wait.
I am blessed at this... because I know the Lord is only showing His love more and more through answered prayer. "YES" isn't just answered prayer.... in my life, "WAIT" has been more answered prayer than anything, and I am exceedingly abundantly blessed beyond measure.
Wait on the Lord. He has GREAT things in store for those who love Him. He may be saying yes, no, or wait. But I know each of these answers is to equip us, and make us stronger in our walks with Him.
"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9
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