I think the biggest issue people face is patience. We don't always want to WAIT and be patient, we always want to know our future before it unravels. We would much rather see who we're going to marry, what kind of job we are going to get, and where we will be living in five years. I think God allows us to wait on Him for a few reasons. I believe as we are not sure what we will be facing and patiently waiting on Him, He is trying to teach us to trust Him more. This season of my life has been a rough one for me... but the Lord has never proven to fall short... He has always come through with His promises. So do I doubt? I have no reason to..but my flesh sometimes does. I also think God wants us to wait so that we can be emptied of everything, and FILLED with Him. Sometimes we just want to rush things and do things our own way. When was the last time you did something without carefully thinking about it? Were the outcomes good? I know for me, I've done several things in my past without weighing the outcomes or seeking Godly advice. They've always turned out to be a huge train wreck.
What I am struggling with is the simple fact of this: I have no idea where the Lord is leading me for my future. It scares me to think of the possibilities because failure is one aspect of those possibilities. He is SO faithful and so good... but sometimes our flesh tells us to doubt and re-think our trust in the Lord.
If you are struggling with a season of your life where you're unsure and not quite hearing God's voice as clearly as you'd like... WAIT on HIM. He is doing this for a purpose, and not just any purpose, but HIS purpose...for HIS WILL. He loves you and has a beautiful, complete & perfect plan for your life. Wait on Him.
Fall more in love with Him.
Trust that God knows exactly what He's doing, 100% of the time.
Waiting and being patient is never easy... as humans, we're so used to everything fast paced and rushed. Why can't we just rest a while?
Being in the presence of our Lord is the most beautiful place to be...whether foggy future or not.
"Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!" ~ Psalm 27:14
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